Semiconductors Part 1: Introduction & Band Theory
zathris (pixabay user): |
Intrinsic to modern electronics, semiconductors are defined as ‘crystalline solids intermediate in electrical conductivity between a conductor and an insulator.’ [1] They have been incorporated in numerous devices including computers, smartphones, bank ATM’s, televisions, washing machines, trains and LED bulbs just to name a few.[2]
Band theory
Band theory is helpful in visualising the difference between
conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Quantum physics dictates that for isolated
atoms, the energy states that electrons can occupy are quantised. However, when
atoms are brought together to make solids, ‘these discrete energy levels become
perturbed through quantum mechanical effects’ [3] As a result, the
electrons can occupy a range of energies within a certain energy band.
The electrons in an atoms outer shell are situated in an
energy band called the valence band. Meanwhile, the conduction band is defined
as the ‘energy band that consists of free electrons that are responsible for
conduction.’ [4] For metals, which can conduct electricity, their
outer electrons are delocalised and free to move. When a voltage is applied, these
electrons flow towards the positive terminal so a current (the rate of flow of charge)
is produced. In the language of band theory, we can say that the valence band
and conduction band overlap:
For insulators, such as wood, there is a large ‘forbidden energy gap’ between the conduction and valence bands. This makes it very difficult for electrons to move into the conduction band as too much external energy is required. Therefore, these electrons are not free to move to generate an electrical current:
In semiconductor materials like silicon, there is still an
energy gap, but it is much smaller than the forbidden gap in insulators. [5]
This means that only a low amount of energy is required to move electrons into
the conduction band. In fact, this energy can be provided through thermal
energy: increasing the temperature sufficiently means that ‘a finite number of
electrons can reach the conduction band and provide some current.’ [6]
At 0K, since no energy is provided, silicon behaves as an insulator as all the
electrons are trapped in the valence band:
In Part 2 (, I will look at doping and different types of semiconductors.
1. Encyclopædia Britannica:
2. Hitachi:
3. Encyclopædia Britannica:
4. Circuit Globe:
5. High School Physics Explained (YouTube channel):
6. HyperPhysics:
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